We are passionate about helping our clients fall in love with their reflection in the mirror. The reflection you see often dictates how you live your life; if you love who you see then you’ll love your life. We believe this is how we will heal the world one pore at a time, one happy face at a time.

Welcome to Happy Face spa
We believe we all find each other for a reason. Now that you’ve found your way to our website let’s guide you into finding your way to a whole new spa experience.
Education Appreciation Discount. Here at Happy Face Spa we believe education is the most important aspect of life. We believe teachers should be supported, appreciated and paid like professional ballplayers. Till that happens we offer 10% off all products and services to anyone who works, at any level, in the education field. Please bring proof of employment to receive your education appreciation discount. Thank you for believing in a bright future. We appreciate you.
Happy Face Spa is a proud ally to the LGBTQ+ community. We believe in equality. We believe in being a safe space for all. We do not tolerate hatred on any level.
LGBTQ+ Allies
HRC supporters